Book Depository knjigolov – New Adult Romance

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Nisam mogla da izdržim pa sam pazarila još knjiga od Jessica-e Sorensen.

Naravno tu je nastavak “The Coincidence of Callie and Kayden” (serijala The Coincidence) koji se zove “The Redemption od Callie and Kayden” i prvi deo njenog drugog serijala The Secret koji se zove “The Secret of Ella and Micha”.

Knjigolov - New Adult Romance

Opisi knjiga

  • The Redemption of Callie and Kayden

THE NUMBER ONE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER The dark secret Kayden has kept hidden for years is finally out. Worse, he’s facing charges for battery. The only way to clear his name is for Callie to speak up – something he’ll never ask her to do. Instead, he’ll do whatever he must to protect her, even if it means letting go of the only girl he’s ever loved. Callie knows Kayden is going back to his dark place and desperately wants to save him. But that means admitting her own painful secrets aloud. The thought of breaking her silence terrifies her – but not as much as the thought of losing Kayden forever. Can she convince him they can make a fresh start together – or is she already too late? Lose yourself in the New York Times bestselling sensation that is enchanting readers everywhere – discover an addictive story filled with unforgettable characters, intense passion and heart-stopping romance.

Link za online knjižaru gde sam poručila knjigu: The Redemption of Callie and Kayden – Book Depository.

  • The Secret of Ella and Micha

THE NUMBER ONE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR The girl he thinks he loves needs to disappear. I don’t want tonight to be irreversible, so I pull away, breathing him in one last time. Ella and Micha have been best friends since childhood, until one tragic night shatters their relationship and Ella decides to leave everything behind to start a new life at college, including Micha. But now it’s summer break and she has nowhere else to go but home. Ella fears everything she worked so hard to bury might resurface, especially with Micha living right next door. Micha is sexy, smart, confident, and can get under Ella’s skin like no one else can. He knows everything about her, including her darkest secrets. And he’s determined to win back the girl he lost, no matter what it takes. Discover the New York Times bestselling sensation that is enthralling readers everywhere — prepare to lose yourself in the most intense, passionate love story you will ever read.

Link za online knjižaru gde sam poručila knjigu: The Secret of Ella and Micha – Book Depository.

Kao i uvek Book Depository uz svaku poručenu knjigu šalje i bookmarkere, potpuno orginalne…ja ih polako skupljam…ovaj put su mi poslali:

Knjigolov - New Adult Romance

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